
BBQ Pork Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

This recipe takes me back to my hometown where we would get stuffed sweet potatoes from a localfood truck. Mmm, who’s hungry? I’ve always envisioned creating this with venison, but hey we have a lot of pork in our freezer from my brother’s pigs (so thankful for that local homegrown […]

Ranch Beans

These beans are ADDICTING, seriously they are so good, I especially love the crunchy bits on top after it comes out of the oven. A coworker of my dad’s brought this in to a work as a covered dish at a company gathering and then my mom started making it […]

Bacon Ranch Potato Salad

Let’s be honest we have all had potato salads we didn’t like for one reason or another, too much vinegar, too much relish, too many pickles etc. etc. But this is one of the first potato salads that I actually love, the flavors go so well together a little tang […]

Sausage Gravy & Biscuits

What could be better on a cold Fall or Winter morning then sausage gravy & biscuits for breakfast. When I moved to the south I quickly learned how important this meal was, and I’m gonna tell ya the truth 80% of the time I make biscuits from scratch, but these […]

Ham & Spinach Puff Pies

Looking for an easy brunch idea? These ham & spinach pies are not only easy to make, but a great additional to any brunch whether it be as an appetizer or as the main dish. The other great thing about these pies is that you can make them entirely your […]